In October 2022, the DfE updated their guidance ‘Meeting digital and technology standards in schools and colleges’. This guidance states that:
- Basic cyber security knowledge amongst staff and governors is vital in promoting a more risk-aware school culture.
- Staff with access to your IT network must take basic cyber security training every year.
- At least one member of the governing body should complete the training.
Work towards these requirements by providing governors and other leaders with access to the OSA’s new CPD-accredited course ‘Cyber security for school leaders’.
Course content includes:
Module 1: School cyber security introduction
- The scale of the cyber threat in the education sector.
- Links to DfE guidance and KCSIE 2022.
- Why are schools under threat?
- Who is behind cyber threats in the education sector?
Module 2: Threats to schools
- Misdirected communications.
- Phishing.
- Hacking and data breaches.
- Ransomware.
- DDoS attacks.
Module 3: Impacts of a data breach
- Investigating the range of impacts a data breach can have on a school
- Recent case studies from the education sector.
Module 4: Protection measures
- Understanding your data.
- Reducing the risk from staff through training training.
- Reducing internal risks from pupils.
- Reviewing IT infrastructure for cyber security.
Module 5: Dealing with a cyber attack
- Cyber insurance for the education sector.
- Preparing a cyber response plan.
- Responding to a ransomware attack.
Work through these modules online at your own pace. Each module consists of high-quality learning materials and on-screen assessments.
Packed with recent case studies from the education sector and incorporating guidance from the DfE and other relevant organisations, this course aims to provide you with an understanding of how to reduce cyber risks and to prepare for an attack being successful. No prior knowledge of cyber security is required.
The course does not aim to turn you into a cyber security professional, but to arm you with a level of knowledge that enables you to hold discussions with those responsible for maintaining cyber security in your school, asking the pertinent questions and ensuring you can be confident with the procedures and policies in place.

Meet DfE requirements by completing your CPD-accredited training today.
Please select from the following options:
Option One: Individual access to the OSA’s CPD-accredited course ‘Cyber security for school leaders’.
Full access to this CPD-accredited course costs just £14.99. Access the training via gumroad. Buy now.
Option Two: ‘Cyber security for school leaders’ – school package
Our ‘cyber security for school leaders’ school package allows you to enrol as many staff and governors from your school onto the CPD-accredited training as you need to. You will also receive personalised instructions and an admin account to allow you to track the progress of your colleagues through the units towards course completion. This package costs just £99.99 for 12 months access.
Option Three: ‘Cyber security for school leaders’ plus ‘Online safety for school staff’- school package
The OSA’s popular and CPD-accredited course ‘online safety for school staff’ provides broad online safety training in areas including online risks to children, how to reduce the risks, staff responsibilities regarding their own use of technology, and cyber security. Completion of this course will help your school to meet the DfE guidance which states that basic cyber security knowledge amongst staff is vital. Full details of this training can be found here.
With Option Three, you gain access to the CPD-accredited courses ‘Online safety for school staff’ and ‘Cyber security for school leaders’ for your whole school community. These two courses will provide you with strong, tangible evidence of working towards minimising cyber threats to your establishment. You will also receive personalised instructions, an admin account to allow you to track the progress of your colleagues through the units towards course completion, and access to our ‘updates’ course for any staff who completed the full online safety training in 2023-24. This package costs just £299.99 for 12 months access.