OSA Certificate Administrator Guide, 2021-2022
Instructions for running the OSA Certificate of Online Safety at your centre. Includes guidance on monitoring pupil progress. PDF
OSA Certificate Introduction
Presentation to introduce the OSA Certificate of Online Safety to classes. Two versions are available depending on your choice of enrolment method:
Presentation for schools using Google: PPTX
Presentation for schools using Microsoft: PPTX
Presentation for schools with manually created accounts: PPTX
Staff CPD Administrator Guide, 2021-2022
Summary instructions for monitoring the progress of staff towards the completion of the OSA staff CPD course. PDF
Online Safety CPD Instructions
Summary instructions for staff needing to access and complete our CPD course. PDF
GDPR & Data Protection Policy
Our full policy on GDPR and Data Protection can be accessed here.
OSA Certificate flyer 2019-2020
A useful document to share with others to provide a summary explanation of the OSA Certificate of Online Safety and to provide guidance on placing an order. PDF
Online Safety for Parents
A single page flyer for introducting the OSA Certificate of Online Safety course for parents / carers. PDF
Purchase order form
Download our purchase order for the 2019-2020 OSA Certificate of Online Safety. Docx