Please note, the following offers are only available to schools who have previosuly subscribed to the Online Safety Alliance.
Offer 1: Whole-school, full package – half price offer
This offer will give you full access to all of our 2021-22 courses, namely:
- Certificate of Online Safety for Key Stage 3
- Certificate of Online Safety for Key Stage 4
- Certificate of Online Safety for Key Stage 5
- CPD-accredited Online Safety for School Staff
- Online Safety for Parents / Carers
All of these courses have been overhauled and updated for the 2021 academic year, drawing on the latest guidance, news and statistics. A particular focus has been placed on helping schools tackle the issues relating to sexual harassment and the sending of nudes as covered in recent DFE and Ofsted publications. Enhanced video content and interactive activities along with greater opportunities for individual reflection and whole-class discussion will provide new information and a rich learning experience for all.
As a previous subscriber, you would be entitled to full access to these courses and all administrative support for just £149 (half the standard price of £299). This offer is only available until September 14th 2021 so please hurry. Click the button below to take up this offer or use our contact form to get in touch if you would rather request a purchase order.
Offer 2: Single year group
A common request is where schools have previously undertaken the OSA Certificate of Online Safety and the following year just want to do the course with a single year group. Often this is the incoming Year 7 students but it has also been used for students entering KS4 or KS5 where different online safety challenges might be faced.
Rather than the full package price, we are able to offer resubscribers a ‘single year group’ special offer of just £60. This will enable the entire year group to complete the course and we will provide all necessary administrative support and documentation as always.
Click the button below to take up this offer or use our contact form to get in touch if you would rather request a purchase order.
If you would like further details of our courses for 2021-22, please click the image of our course summary document below or get in touch. This year has seen the biggest ever overhaul of course content and we are hoping to be able to continue to support your school in tackling the ever-evolving online safety risks our